GNU Autotools II - "Hello world" project with tests
Spanish version / Versión en Español In order to explore the concepts from the first post in a more practical fashion, today we will look at a step by step guide for creating a C programming language project built and tested using Autotools . 1: Application entry point This will be src/main.c . It's typical to have a src directory for source code, because when the project grows, it will probably need other top-level directories such as man for man pages , data for data files, and so on. src/main.c #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { puts("Hello World!"); puts("This is " PACKAGE_STRING "."); return 0; } Including config.h is necessary because that's where PACKAGE_STRING will be defined. In turn, config.h will be generated by Autotools. 2: Top-level file All files contain Autoconf instructions which control the generation of the configure script. These...